Information about the PHSO Customer Satisfaction Survey
I write in response to your information request dated 14 December 2014.
In response to PASC on 10.11.14 Dame Julie Mellor stated that PHSO have been piloting new customer satisfaction survey methods. Can you provide the categories within the new pilot for collecting data?
We are piloting different ways of capturing customer feedback and satisfaction. In addition to our established telephone satisfaction survey which is conducted by an independent research company (IFF), we have also implemented the following new methods for gathering customer satisfaction data:
Customers (who are not contacted as part of the telephone survey) are contacted by email to see if they would like to participate in an online survey. This is being undertaken in partnership with Oxford University.
Customers that have used our new online mechanism for bringing a complaint to us are contacted (via the online portal they used to complain) to explore their satisfaction with using this new process.
What percentage of customers in each category are contacted?
During 2013-14, IFF spoke to the following numbers of people:
Enquiry customers: 2399 people interviewed (this represents 9% of all our enquiry customers last year) Investigations customers: 747 people interviewed (this represents 34% of all our investigations customers last year) Review customers: 191 people interviewed (this represents 32% of all our review customers last year).
So far invitations to the online survey have been sent out to 490 customers, of which 56 have responded, a response rate of 11%.
We have only just implemented the new online complaints approach, and it is only at the pilot stage. We have invited 20 people to tell us about their experiences of using it and have had 12 responses, a response rate of 60%.
Is there a facility within the new pilot for a customer to directly contact IFF to provide feedback or do they need to wait to be contacted?
There is not a facility for customers to contact IFF directly because for the research to be meaningful it has to relate to a random sample of our customers. However, customers can contact PHSO directly to provide feedback.
Is it the case within the pilot that all customer survey responses are still collected by telephone?
Please see my response to Q1.
Can I see the list of questions for each category under the new pilot scheme?
Please find attached the following templates used by IFF in carrying out the telephone research:
Survey of enquiries (Annex A)
Survey of complainants (Annex B)
Survey of reviews (Annex C)
As you will see from the above documents, a small amount of information has been redacted as it constitutes third party personal data which is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I have also attached the relevant questionnaires for the online and email surveys. Please note that we do not hold a final version of the email survey managed by Oxford University (as the final version is held online only) but we do hold a draft version which is attached. The differences between the draft and final versions are minor.
Are there any plans to make the collection of satisfaction data automatically available to all service users? If so when would this service be available?
We publish the overall satisfaction figures of our survey in our annual report. Our annual report for 2014/15 will be published later this year on our website.
I hope this information is helpful.