Data on remedies recommended for investigated complaints between 2012/13 and 2014/15

Reference FDN 223590 | June 2015

Information request for the number of complaints received by us, and the individual remedies recommended for investigated complaints between 2012/13 and 2014/15

I write in response to your Freedom of Information request, in which you asked for information about complaints received by PHSO and their outcomes.

Information about the number of complaints we receive each year and their outcomes are recorded in our annual reports

Please find the remaining information you have asked for in question four about the individual remedies recommended for investigated complaints included in the tables below.

The term 'individual remedy' refers to an action intended to be a personal remedy for an individual, while 'systemic remedy' is an action intended to improve the wider service in question. The figures in the final row are the number of upheld complaints where we have asked for both a compensation payment and also some additional remedy from the organisation concerned (which may be systemic or personal, or both).

2012/13 Health Parliamentary Total
Compensation payments 222 53 273
Individual remedy 9 9 18
Systemic remedy 240 30 270
Compensation payment and action/systemic 244 39 283


2013/14 Health Parliamentary Total
Compensation payments 393 96 489
Individual remedy 91 19 110
Systemic remedy 505 41 546
Compensation payment and action/systemic 326 42 368


2014/15 Health Parliamentary Total
Compensation payments 566 168 734
Individual remedy 188 46 234
Systemic remedy 770 63 833
Compensation payment and action/systemic 424 57 481

I hope the information is helpful.

FOI/DP Officer

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman