Information request about monitoring internet activity at PHSO

Reference FDN 211926 | February 2015

Information request about the post responsible for monitoring staff internet activity at PHSO and the number of logged incidents of internet misuse in 2014

I write in response to your Freedom of Information request dated 12 January 2015 in which you asked:

“Perhaps you would be so good as to tell me which internal post has the responsibility of monitoring staff Internet usage in their job description, as I still don't know how the monitoring of staff usage is overseen. The policy files supplied so far don't seem to specify.

As a guide, could you state how many logged incidents were there in the last year (2014) of staff using the Internet incorrectly.”

The Head of ICT is responsible for monitoring internet activity.

With reference to sections 5.2 (Unacceptable Web Content) and 5.7 (Blocked Websites) of our ICT acceptable use policy, which we have previously released to you, PHSO will automatically block access to websites that fall into the categories we consider unacceptable.

I can confirm in 2014 there were no recorded incidents of internet misuse.

I hope my response is helpful.

Yours sincerely

FOI/DP Officer

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman