Information request about quality assurance of our decision making

Reference FDN 214775 | March 2015

Information request about quality assurance of our decision making

Can you provide data from external audit of PHSO decision making for the last 12 months (or suitable time depending on financial constraints) which confirms that decision making is sound?

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) does not hold any information on this subject as there has not been an external audit of PHSO decision-making during that period.

Can you provide data from internal quality control which confirms that decision making is sound for the same time period?

Internal quality control is underpinned by the Delegation Scheme, setting the levels various decisions need approval before being delivered. While every case is closed in line with the Delegation Scheme, there is no specific data recorded about number of decisions taken at each staff level.

As part of its new Quality Framework, PHSO launched in October a system for line managers to sample and record quality assurance each month before the final decisions are issued. Key elements of cases are assessed to determine if further action is required to meet our quality standards. Where an assessment finds issues to address in a case, further action is undertaken to ensure that the final decision is sound and meets service standards. As such, where an issue to address is identified, this does not indicate a failing in a decision, as action is taken to rectify the issue prior to the decision being finalised.

I have included the information from October to January as this is the only information that is currently held on the subject. More information may be released following its collation in the future.

The data from October to January is as follows:

Meets quality standard Issues to address
204 15



Meets quality standard Issues to address
98 15
Meets quality standard Issues to address
206 31


Can you provide information concerning the percentage of cases which are reviewed external each year to check the quality of decision making?

The PHSO does not hold any information on this subject as there has not been an external audit of PHSO decision-making.

Can you provide information concerning the percentage of cases which pass through internal quality control to confirm that decision making is sound?

100%. All cases are subject to relevant internal quality control in line with the Delegation Scheme.

If PHSO are failing to communicate effectively with their customers, if the methods are not transparent and if staff carrying out serious investigations are yet to be trained in root cause analysis and human factors, how can Dame Julie Mellor confidently confirm that the decision making is sound? Evidence please.

I am unable to provide you with any information relating to this part of your request as you have not requested any recorded information.

Yours sincerely


FOI/DP Officer

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman