Tender of the new PHSO case management system

Reference FDN 209576 | January 2015

Information request about the tender of the new PHSO case management system, and details about the intital cost of the software and any ongoing annual costs

I write in response to your information request dated 7 December 2014:

1. Which companies tendered for the new case management system?

Companies did not submit tenders for our new case management system (CMS). The CMS was procured using the Crown Commercial Service 'G-Cloud' framework, which is an OJEU (the Official Journal of the European Union) compliant procurement route.

CloudStore is essentially an online marketplace where suppliers offer their services to the public sector via the G-Cloud framework. Public sector bodies can review and buy these services on CloudStore. In line with the process of this framework PHSO reviewed the suppliers and services and purchased the service we felt could best meet our requirements.

2. Which company will supply the new system?

 Optevia Limited.

3. What is the name of the software?

 The software is based on MS Dynamics. The new software is not in place yet and has not been named.

4. What was the initial cost of the software and what is the ongoing annual cost?

Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We consider that the information requested in respect of the tender submissions to be commercially sensitive and therefore withhold it under section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Under section 43 FOIA information is exempt from disclosure if releasing it would, or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it). 

We consider that disclosure of the cost of the contract at this early stage would be likely to weaken Optevia Limited’s bargaining position during any future contractual negotiations should confidential commercial information be disclosed, particularly as the CMS has not yet been implemented and is at the analysis stage of the project. There is a possibility that the project requirements could change.

Furthermore disclosure of the annual running costs would also provide an insight into the commercial operations of Optevia Limited, which would be likely to prejudice their commercial interests in future tendering processes.

In considering the public interest test PHSO has regard to the benefits of maintaining a healthy bidding position during any procurement process, the need to attract a wide range of bidders confident with the way in which PHSO would handle their information and how this may affect our bargaining position during contractual negotiations. We also consider that disclosure would make it less likely that companies or individuals would provide PHSO with commercially sensitive information in the future and consequently undermine our ability to fulfil our public role.

We acknowledge that the public interest is served by promoting transparency in the accountability of public funds, ensuring that public money is being used effectively, and that PHSO is getting value for money when entering into commercial transactions with companies. On the other hand, however, in this instance we consider that there is a greater public interest in maintaining confidentiality and protecting commercially sensitive information, release of which could damage commercial interests of both external companies and our organisation. As such, at this stage we consider that maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure.

5. Does the system require staff training, if so how many man hours are required and how many staff are to be trained?

 The system will require staff training. Our initial estimates are that around 300 members of staff will require training. A one day training course will be required. This would equate to around 2,100 man hours.

6. What is the name of the company and software that is being replaced?

 The company that provides our current software, Visualfiles, is LexisNexis.

 I hope this information is helpful.


FOI/DP Officer

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman