Ombudsman comments on the Darzi review of NHS performance

On Wednesday 11 September, Lord Ara Darzi published his report, 'Independent Investigation of the National Health Service in England'. Lord Darzi's review of the NHS was commissioned by the Health Secretary Wes Streeting shortly after the General Election. It concluded that the NHS is in 'a critical condition'.

Commenting on the report, Rebecca Hilsenrath, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and a contributor to the Darzi review, said:

“Defensive leadership and culture are issues I see from our own investigations and have been further highlighted by the Darzi report. There is an opportunity for the Government to take bold steps to deliver the cultural shift needed. We urgently need to build an NHS that prioritises accountability, transparency, and patient-centred care and which listens to and welcomes patients’ voices.

“Complaints provide vital insight that can help drive improvements. They should be seen as a resource and a pathway to learning rather than as a reputational threat.

“I welcome the publication of this important review. The success of any reform of the NHS will ultimately be measured by the quality of people’s experiences. This will not be a quick fix. What is needed now is long-term commitment that isn’t subject to reassessment when political priorities change.”