Complaints to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, 2021-22

5 September 2022

The data published here includes information about the complaints received and the decisions made on those complaints in relation to the NHS in England and in relation to UK Government Departments and other public services in 2021-22. The data shows the decision we made at each stage in our process.

Casework process

We are the final port of call for people with a complaint about UK Government departments, the NHS in England and other UK public organisations. We follow a three-step process, set out below. Where we can, we seek to resolve complaints as early as possible in the process. Our aim is to make the right decision at the right time.

1. Initial check

PHSO receives a complaint via the helpline, email, post or on-line. Initial details are collected regarding the complainant, the person affected, and the organisation and issue complained about. PHSO conducts initial checks to ensure it can deal with the complaint.

2. Primary investigation

We conduct a primary investigation to consider if the complaint can be resolved quickly without the need for further investigation. This may include mediation.

Mediation is used where possible to help complainants and organisations reach mutually agreed resolutions, without the need for a detailed investigation.

If the complaint cannot be resolved, PHSO examines all evidence provided to confirm if the complaint meets the criteria for detailed investigation.

3. Detailed investigation

We talk to the complainant and the organisation about the complaint and what we're going to investigate. We explain how long we think our investigation will take and we keep all parties regularly updated. We gather all the information we need, including from the complainant and the organisation complained about, before we make our final decision. If PHSO upholds the complaint, recommendations will be made to the organisation regarding the actions required to put things right.

Information on the data tables

The data is published in two formats: ods and pdf. This is for accessibility and printing purposes. The content is the same in each format. An explanation of some specific column headings in the data tables is provided below:

  • Complaints received: This is the number of complaints we received in 2021/22. Note that the number of decisions made in a financial year may be different from the number of complaints received in that same year. This is because some complaints will be received in one year and a decision may be made in a following year. For example, a complaint might be received in 2020-21 then decided following a detailed investigation in 2021-22.
  • Complaints resolved by mediation: Complaints where we have helped complainants and organisations agree a resolution through our mediation process.
  • Decided following primary investigation: Complaints where we made a decision following a primary investigation. These figures do not include cases closed by mediation.
  • Resolved with agreement of the complainant at initial checks or primary investigation: this includes complaints we have resolved, without mediation or further investigation, with the agreement of the complainant.


Data for 2021-22: The COVID-19 pandemic had and continues to have an impact on our service, on people who use public services and on the organisations about which we receive complaints. For the organisations we investigate, it has affected their ability to provide the information we need to carry out investigations. This impact will be seen in the data for 2021-2022 and subsequent years.


NHS Organisations Tables 2021-22

NHS Organisations Table 2021-22 [.ods 185.6KB]

NHS Organisations Table 2021-22 [.pdf 123.9KB]


UK Government Departments and Agencies Tables 2021-22

UK Government Departments and Agencies Table 2021-22 [.ods 70.7KB]

UK Government Departments and Agencies Table 2021-22 [.pdf 56.3KB]

Helping us improve

If there is any way we could make our data more user-friendly or accessible, please let us know. Email your ideas and share your comments and feedback by contacting