Making an enquiry to the Ombudsman

If you address an enquiry directly to the Ombudsman or Deputy Ombudsman, for example, if you send an email or tweet to them, this page explains how we will deal with it.

The Ombudsman is unable to deal with most complaints personally, so their team will normally send your correspondence to another part of the organisation to deal with, depending on what it is about.

The image and text below show how this works.


  • If you send us a new complaint or a general enquiry, the Ombudsman’s team will pass it to our Customer Services team.
  • If it’s feedback about our decision or service, it will go to our Customer Care team. MP’s correspondence is also dealt with by our Customer Care team.
  • If your query is about an ongoing case, the Ombudsman’s team will pass it to the relevant casework team to look into.
  • If it’s about the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Act or a legal enquiry, our Information Access and Assurance team or Legal team will look at it.