Trust hospital provided appropriate care but did not keep proper records

Summary 125 |

Mrs Q was very upset that the Trust would not acknowledge that an appointment took place.

What happened

Mrs Q told us she attended an appointment with her father where the doctor and nurse told him his cancer had spread and his surgery would be cancelled. The Trust said that, according to its records, this appointment never took place.

What we found

We asked the Trust to speak to the staff who Mrs Q said were at this appointment, and the nurse found a record of it in her work calendar. The nurse said she thought the doctor had made a record of the appointment in Mrs Q's father's notes and he thought the nurse had done it.

Putting it right

We asked the Trust to apologise for its mistake and reminded it that it was important to keep accurate records.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Did not keep proper records or audit trail

