Trust failed to get adequate consent for surgery

Summary 149 |

Mr S underwent routine surgery but there were a number of complications.

What happened

Mr S had surgery on his wrist at Weston Area Health NHS Trust. This resulted in damage to nerves. He has since suffered worsening pain, which has spread along his arm.

What we found

The complications that Mr S encountered have been unusually serious, although nerve damage is a known complication. Despite this, there is no record that Mr S was advised of this possible outcome. We would have expected this to be included on the consent form that he signed prior to surgery.

We did not find any shortcomings in the treatment or follow-up measures that the Trust put in place to reduce the impact of the nerve damage on Mr S.

Putting it right

Following our report, the Trust acknowledged and apologised for its failings.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Weston Area Health NHS Trust


North Somerset

Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable

