Lost records prevented full understanding of patient care

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The loss of vital medical and nursing records prevented a family understanding if their mother's death could have been avoided.

What happened

Mrs Z was admitted to hospital with a suspected small bowel obstruction. She was initially treated conservatively. However, within three days of admission, her health deteriorated overnight. Urgent surgery, carried out the following morning, identified and repaired a rupture in Mrs Z's bowel, but she continued to deteriorate. She died about a week later.

What we found

Initial conservative treatment was appropriate and in line with the standards and guidelines for the management of small bowel obstruction. However, due to the loss of vital medical and nursing records, particularly relating to the period when Mrs Z's health began to deteriorate, we were unable to say whether or not the treatment given at the point of deterioration was appropriate, or if the Trust should have performed surgery earlier. We found the loss of the records denied Mrs Z's family the opportunity of knowing, through the complaints process, whether everything that could have been done was done, or if the outcome could have been different.

Putting it right

The Trust fully accepted our recommendations and paid Mrs Z's family £500 to recognise the lost opportunity to know what happened to their mother. It also created an action plan to detail the improvements it would make in record keeping.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right

Did not keep proper records or audit trail

Did not take sufficient steps to improve service


Compensation for non-financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan