Consultant failed to follow established clinical practice and the GMC's Good Medical Practice

Summary 155 |

Mrs C complained about the way a consultant psychiatrist conducted an appointment with her daughter.

What happened

Mrs C's daughter was referred to the Trust for an appointment with a consultant psychiatrist. Both Mrs C and her daughter attended this appointment. Following this, Mrs C's daughter's mental health deteriorated.

What we found

The consultant's actions fell below the expected standard and were not in accordance with established good clinical practice and the General Medical Council's publication Good Medical Practice. There was: a failure to undertake a robust assessment with a management plan; a lack of engagement; a failure to engage the multidisciplinary team;

and the patient was given inappropriate advice. We upheld the complaint.

Putting it right

The Trust arranged a face-to-face apology with the consultant psychiatrist.

We also recommended a written apology and that the Trust put together an action plan to address the identified failings.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


West Sussex

Complainants' concerns ?

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information


Not applicable