Trust forced patient to accept restrictions on his liberty

Summary 168 |

Mr B was admitted to the Trust as a voluntary patient but was forced to accept limits on the amount of time he could be in the gardens of the hospital. He stayed at the Trust because of threats that he would be detained if he tried to leave.

What happened

Mr B complained about the care and treatment provided by the Trust before and during his hospital admission. He said he was only detained on the basis of fabricated lies, and a hospital admission was unnecessary. Once admitted, he said that he only stayed because he was threatened with arrest if he tried to leave. Mr B also complained about the Trust's contact with DVLA.

What we found

The care and treatment given by the Trust were reasonable and Mr B's admission to hospital was appropriate. However, he was forced to accept restrictions on his liberty, such as not being allowed to use the garden freely, and he only stayed in hospital beyond a certain point because of threats he would be detained if he tried to leave. We found no cause for concern about the contact with DVLA.

Putting it right

The Trust wrote to Mr B to apologise for failings and explain what action it would take to make sure this does not happen again.

It paid Mr B £750 in recognition of the distress and upset these events caused and continue to cause him.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable



Compensation for non-financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan