No failings identified in clinical care, but failings in complaint handling

Summary 174 |

The Trust gave Mrs P reasonable information about an operation, but there were failures in its complaint handling.

What happened

Mrs P complained about the information and explanations given before and after a hysterectomy. The Trust initially explained that there were failings and a breakdown in communication. The Trust promised a further response and a personal apology from the member of staff involved. The further response from the Trust explained that there were no failings. The Trust maintained that Mrs P could still expect a personal apology.

What we found

Although Mrs P was undoubtedly confused about the procedure she received, we did not see that this was because of any failings in the information the Trust gave her.

There were failings in the Trust's complaint handling. Although it knew this would not happen, the Trust repeatedly promised Mrs P a personal apology from the clinician involved in her care.

Putting it right

Following our report, the Trust apologised to Mrs P for its failings in complaint handling. It paid her £250 for the distress its complaint handling caused, and explained what steps it would take to make sure that the failing does not happen again.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Compensation for non-financial loss

Taking steps to put things right