G4S handled complaint poorly

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Mr J, who was detained in prison at the time, had been taking medication for a number of years. The prison GP stopped his medication without any warning, causing Mr J withdrawal symptoms.

What happened

Mr J had been prescribed strong painkillers for a number of years. He transferred to the prison in autumn 2011 and his medication was regularly reviewed and changed appropriately. In early summer 2013, the prison GP stopped Mr J's medication. The records show that in the following days Mr J reported feeling unwell. He was seen by the prison GP later in the year, who re–prescribed the medication.

Mr J complained about his medication being stopped, but the responses to the complaint did not explain the prison GP's decision to stop the medication without warning. As Mr J was unhappy about the responses he had received, he asked us to investigate.

What we found

The decision to stop Mr J's medication abruptly was not reasonable or done in accordance with national guidance, given the potential for withdrawal symptoms, which Mr J suffered. Complaint handling was unreasonable, and caused Mr J unnecessary frustration.

Putting it right

G4S Care and Justice Services acknowledged and apologised for the failings identified in our report and the effects they had on Mr J. They paid him £500 as compensation for the withdrawal symptoms, pain and anxiety he suffered when his medication was inappropriately stopped, and for the frustration caused by the poor complaint handling.

G4S Care and Justice Services prepared an action plan to demonstrate what it will do to make sure that it has learnt lessons from the poor complaint handling, and what it has done, or will do, including timescales, to review the process for stopping medication in line with national policy and procedure.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

G4S Care and Justice Services



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Compensation for non-financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan