Surgeon removed patient's organs unnecessarily

Summary 179 |

Mrs D had surgery to remove an ovary. The surgeon removed not only the ovary but her uterus, appendix and omentum without her consent or knowledge. After surgery her wound reopened, and the doctors at the hospital did not treat this properly.

What happened

Mrs D complained that her consent for surgery was not properly obtained, that the surgery was inadequate and she had other organs removed without her knowledge. She also said her postoperative care was inadequate. She wanted the Trust to recognise and apologise for its failings, pay her compensation, and make changes to procedures.

What we found

Mrs D's uterus, appendix and omentum were removed when there was no clinical need to do so. After the surgery, the doctors caring for her failed to carry out adequate assessments and treatment. The postoperative care and treatment provided for her fell below the required standards. Mrs D suffered pain and distress because of these failings and financial hardship because of the costs associated with having corrective treatment and psychotherapy.

Putting it right

The Trust acknowledged and apologised for its failings and paid Mrs D £11,050 compensation. It also produced an action plan to make sure that there was learning from the complaint.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Delayed replying to complaint

Did not put recommendations into practice

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information



Compensation: Other

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan