GP failed to refer woman to dermatologist after changes to moles

Summary 197 |

When Ms B noted changes to moles on her face, her GP did not make a note of that part of the consultation, and did not refer her back to her dermatologist. Ms B later had surgery for the moles.

What happened

Ms B had a consultation with the GP at the Practice. They disagreed about whether Ms B had asked for a referral back to her consultant dermatologist over some changes to moles on her face. Ms B then saw a private dermatologist, who recommended that the Practice refer her to an NHS dermatologist.

The NHS dermatologist went on to remove a precancerous mark from Ms B's face.

What we found

Ms B discussed the matter with her GP. He should have recorded the discussion and referred her to a dermatologist. Ms B's concern was that she might have skin cancer, given her previous history. Ms B is clear that she does not think the GP's actions ultimately made her medical situation any worse, as she eventually had the treatment she needed. However, his failure to refer her caused her frustration and considerable time and inconvenience in having to seek an alternative consultation. This injustice was compounded by the GP's failure to acknowledge the conversation took place, or record any details of it.

Putting it right

The Practice apologised to Ms B and paid her £250. It also put a plan in place to learn lessons from its failings and make sure they did not happen again.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A GP practice



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Compensation for financial loss

Taking steps to put things right