Clinicians carried out an appropriate attention deficit hyperactivity disorder assessment

Summary 227 |

Miss A's community mental health team psychiatrist referred her to Your Healthcare's adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) service for an assessment.

What happened

A Your Healthcare consultant psychiatrist and a consultant clinical psychologist saw Miss A on three occasions and assessed her for ADHD. They noted that she presented with some symptoms of ADHD but there was not enough evidence to confirm this diagnosis.

Miss A's advocate complained to Your Healthcare about Miss A's assessment and the failure to diagnose the condition. The advocate questioned the clinicians' experience in dealing with ADHD cases. Your Healthcare replied that both clinicians were trained in the assessment and treatment of ADHD. The clinicians offered to meet Miss A to go through their assessment report.

Miss A was dissatisfied with this response and complained to us, via her advocate.

What we found

The assessing clinicians were suitably experienced and their process of diagnosis and assessment had been reasonable.

We did not uphold the complaint.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Your Healthcare


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Not applicable