Information regulator failed to complete adequate assessment

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The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) did not properly consider the available evidence when it assessed a data protection complaint.

What happened

Mr G complained to the ICO as he did not believe that a local council had given him all the information it held after he had made an information request. The ICO decided that it was likely that the local council had complied with the Data Protection Act 1998.

What we found

The ICO had not properly considered the information the local council had given it and as a result had not carried out an adequate assessment of the data protection complaint. The ICO's views on some aspects of the complaint were reasonable.

Putting it right

The ICO apologised to Mr G and reassessed his data protection complaint.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Information Commissioner's Office



Complainants' concerns ?

Came to an unsound decision



Taking steps to put things right