Police failed to comply with the Victims' Code

Summary 271 |

Mr G complained that his local police had not carried out the duties required by the Victims' Code when they reinvestigated his report that he was the victim of a crime.

What happened

Mr G complained that the police did not pass his details to Victim Support as required by section 5.4 of the Victims' Code. Mr G said the police also failed to properly inform him of the outcome of the investigation and whether it would be subject to future review, as required by sections 5.10 and 5.12 of the Code.

What we found

The police did not give Mr G's local Victim Support group his details or tell him they would do this, and so they did not perform their relevant duties under section 5.4 of the Victims' Code.

The police failed to tell Mr G the reasons why they decided not to charge anyone after they had finished their investigation (5.10).They also did not tell him whether the case would be reviewed in future (5.12). The police therefore failed to perform the relevant duties under those sections of the Victims' Code.

Putting it right

The police apologised to Mr G

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Police (Under Victim's Code)



Complainants' concerns ?

Came to an unsound decision

