The last minute phone message that never arrived cost farmer £7,000

Summary 274 |

A farmer believed he had met a crucial deadline just in time to claim annual funding worth almost £7,000. Three months later, far too late to put things right, the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) told him he had used the wrong claim form.

What happened

Mr H had planned to claim online for his 2012 Single Payment Scheme funding, a European Union subsidy intended as income support for farmers. His online claim in 2011 had worked, but in 2012 problems with his computer stopped him from claiming online. He sent in a paper claim form instead, without seeing that the form was out of date. The RPA received his claim in spring 2012, six days after the main deadline and 19 days before the last deadline for claims.

Three days before the last deadline in early summer 2012, an official left a telephone message asking Mr H to call them urgently. RPA guidance about leaving messages was that officials should not explain that they were calling about a claim form and that they should wait five days to take follow‑up action. The message did not reach Mr H.

The first Mr H knew of this was in autumn 2012. The RPA wrote to Mr H to tell him that he would receive nothing for his 2012 claim and about the missing message. He asked it to look again at his case. The RPA's response focused on the strict application of the law. It said Mr H knew the rules and was responsible for claiming in time.

What we found

The RPA made a serious mistake in failing to follow up its attempt to speak to Mr H in summer 2012. It deprived him of a chance to correct his own mistake.

Also, in this case, its legalistic approach to his complaint was a serious mistake. It should have focused more on what good administration required of it. Its mistaken approach unduly prolonged the complaints process.

But even if the RPA had followed up its telephone message effectively, Mr H could have had too little time to make a valid claim for 2012 before the last deadline.

Putting it right

The RPA apologised to Mr H and paid him £250 in recognition of the effect on him of its mistakes.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Rural Payments Agency



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Compensation for non-financial loss