Significant failings in care of cancer patient

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There were significant failings in Mrs Y's care after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The two Trusts involved acknowledged their failings but did not offer a personal remedy to her family.

What happened

Mrs Y was admitted to University College London NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH Trust) in autumn 2009 for treatment following a diagnosis of advanced ovarian cancer. Staff discharged her but she was admitted to Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust later that same day after she fell at home. Mrs Y remained at Barnet Trust awaiting transfer back to UCLH Trust for further cancer treatment. During this a time she had problems with her bowel function and neutropaenia (a low level of infection‑fighting white blood cells). However, the transfer to UCLH Trust did not take place and Mrs Y died at Barnet Trust the next month.

What we found

There were several significant failings in Mrs Y's care by both Trusts. Both Trusts had acknowledged those failings and put in place actions to prevent similar failings happening again. However, both Trusts failed to offer Mrs Y's family a personal remedy for the injustice they were caused by the failings in her care. This failure to offer a personal remedy was maladministration and was a further injustice to Mrs Y's family.

Putting it right

The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (previously Barnet Trust) and UCLH Trust wrote to Mr Y to acknowledge, and apologise for, the maladministration identified and the impact that it had on him and on Mrs Y's family.

The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and UCLH Trust paid compensation to Mrs Y's family of £2,500 by way of personal remedy for the injustice of distress caused to them by their failings in her care. Additionally, the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and UCLH Trust paid a further sum of £500 to Mrs Y's family for the further injustice of distress caused by not providing them with a personal remedy. We asked the two Trusts to provide half the money each.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Delayed replying to complaint

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information



Compensation for non-financial loss