Failings in care were recognised and put right

Summary 386 |

Mr P received inadequate care whilst a patient. His daughter Ms K complained and the Trust took action to improve its service.

What happened

Mr P was admitted to hospital in autumn 2011 with known chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a urinary tract infection. He had been on home oxygen and had a 'do not attempt resuscitation' order in place.

He had shortness of breath, a two‑day history of confusion, was coughing up sputum, and had a pressure sore on his buttocks.

Mr P was found to have pneumonia and  died soon after he was admitted.

His daughter, Ms K, raised a number of complaints about Mr P's care. The Trust found failings in how his medication was given and recorded; that a score that measured Mr P's pressure sore was not reassessed; that a mattress was incorrectly labelled for disposal when it was safe to use, and that there were delays in the responses to Ms K's complaint.

What we found

We concluded that the Trust conducted a thorough and open investigation. The Trust accepted the failings in Mr P's care and, having done so, put reasonable measures in place to make sure improvements were made. It gave us evidence to show the actions it had taken.

Ms K was concerned that the care her father received contributed to his death. We did not find this.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


South Yorkshire

Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Not applicable