Hospital unreasonably delayed operation

Summary 391 |

Mrs M, in her eighties, waited nearly a week for surgery after she fell at home and fractured her hip.

What happened

Mrs M complained about the length of time she had to wait for surgery and about the way her complaint was subsequently handled. The Trust explained some of the reasons for the delay in surgery but did not acknowledge any failings in the care it had given. It apologised for the way it had handled Mrs M's complaint and explained how it had improved.

What we found

There were some reasonable explanations for the delay in Mrs M's surgery. However, several aspects of her care did not comply with relevant guidelines and best practice. There were also failings in the content of Mrs M's medical records, which lacked sufficient detail.

While we found failings in the way the Trust handled Mrs M's complaint, it had already taken reasonable steps to put things right in this area by apologising and sharing information about improvements it had made.

Putting it right

The Trust paid Mrs M £500, apologised for the failings we identified in her care and treatment and drew up an action plan to address those failings.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information



Compensation for non-financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan