Trust failed to explain care pathway for patient with heart problems

Summary 395 |

When Mrs A developed a serious heart condition, the Trust failed to explain to her why it needed to carry out tests and observations first to assess whether she was suitable for heart surgery that carried a significant risk.

What happened

Mrs A developed constrictive pericarditis (a tightening of the membrane covering the heart). She was told by the registrar that when the results of her scan were in, she would be referred straightaway to a surgeon. Instead the Trust carried out many tests and reviews, including a period of 'watchful waiting' before going ahead with the surgery.

What we found

While there were no failings in the actual clinical care provided by the Trust, there were failings in communication with Mrs A, and record keeping. There were also failings in the way the complaint was handled.

Putting it right

The Trust apologised to Mrs A and acknowledged the failings we found. The Trust also put a plan in place to learn lessons from the failings to make sure they didn't happen again.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

North Bristol NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information



Taking steps to put things right