Woman will never know whether her father, could have lived longer if he had had better treatment, sooner

Summary 416 |

Ms K says that doctors and nurses gave her father poor care and treatment when he was admitted to hospital. We found his heart problems were not treated soon enough.

What happened

Mr P was admitted to the Trust after he fell at home. Doctors recognised that he had an abnormally fast heart rate and an abnormal heart rhythm. He was confused and had several falls at the Trust. After two weeks, Mr P went to a community hospital for rehabilitation. He was readmitted to the Trust just over a week later because his condition had deteriorated. He died a few days after he was readmitted.

What we found

There were failings in nursing care at the Trust, but it had taken correct action to put this right. The medical care was also inadequate because doctors did not record an initial assessment, did not investigate Mr P's confusion, did not properly treat his abnormal heart rhythm and did not review him sufficiently over the weekends. In addition, a geriatrician did not see Mr P soon enough and doctors did not tell Mr P's family that he was deteriorating.

The poor medical care meant that Mr P's heart condition was not effectively treated for seven days and his diagnosis of delirium was delayed. However, we did not find that the poor treatment contributed to his death.

We partly upheld the complaint.

Putting it right

The Trust acknowledged failings in the medical care provided. It apologised to Ms K and paid her £500 compensation. It also agreed to prepare plans to stop the same mistakes recurring.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Compensation for non-financial loss