Nursing care fell below the expected standard

Summary 418 |

Ms F complained about elements of the nursing and medical care she received during several admissions to hospital.

What happened

Ms F was admitted to hospital several times over the course of a year. She had difficulty breathing three times and staff gave her intensive oxygen therapy. She complained about hygiene standards, especially in relation to fitting and maintaining cannulas (tubes inserted into her body).

Ms F also complained about her medication control, the haphazard way she was given oxygen therapy and some occasions when her dignity was compromised. She also complained about the way the Trust handled her complaint.

What we found

Ms F received reasonable medical care. However, there were basic errors in the way staff prescribed her oxygen therapy and administered, inspected and cleaned cannulas.

The medication Ms F brought into hospital with her was poorly controlled and some of her nursing records were completed without proper care.

Ms F raised many complaints with the Trust but it failed to identify and investigate each of them.

Putting it right

The Trust acknowledged and apologised for its failings and put together action plans that showed learning from its mistakes so that they would not happen again.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Taking steps to put things right