Lack of input from surgical team after surgery led to pain and distress

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Mrs W complained that after surgery for a kidney stone, she did not get appropriate pain relief and doctors from the urology team did not review her, despite repeated requests. Mrs W also complained that the Trust did not respond fully to her complaint, which left her with unanswered questions, worries about future treatment she might need and concerns that other people might have the same experience she did.

What happened

After Mrs W's surgery, she woke up on the recovery ward in pain. Nursing staff and an on‑call anaesthetist gave her pain relief. She stayed in the recovery area because there was no available bed on a ward.

Mrs W's pain got worse. Nursing staff in the recovery area repeatedly asked for someone from the urology team to review Mrs W but were told no one was available. When staff tried to contact the on‑call registrar, they were told he was not on site. The on‑call urologist saw Mrs W later and called the surgeon who had performed her surgery. Doctors agreed an appropriate treatment plan for Mrs W and staff moved her to a ward.

What we found

There were failings in the urology team's support for Mrs W after her surgery. Although records show that Mrs W had pain relief while she was in the recovery area, urology staff should have visited her to assess and reassure her and the nursing staff caring for her. Mrs W endured pain and distress as a result of this.

The Trust did not fully respond to the issues Mrs W raised, although it insisted it had done so. It refused to respond further.

Putting it right

The Trust apologised to Mrs W for the lack of urology input whilst she was in recovery and for its poor complaint handling. It also paid her £350 compensation to recognise the distress and upset it had caused. The Trust also drew up an action plan to improve its procedures and it shared the lessons from Mrs W's case with nursing staff and the urology team.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust

Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information



Compensation for non-financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan