Trust managed a lung condition appropriately

Summary 436 |

Miss B, Mrs N's daughter, complained about how the Trust had managed her mother's chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and about her mother's treatment in hospital.

What happened

Mrs N was diagnosed with COPD in 2010. The Trust reviewed her in hospital on a number of occasions in the next 18 months.

Mrs N went into hospital in winter 2011 because clinicians suspected her COPD was getting worse. She had a cardiac arrest but staff successfully resuscitated her. Sadly, she did not regain consciousness and doctors considered that further treatment would not be appropriate. Mrs N died the following morning.

What we found

We did not uphold Miss B's complaint. After Mrs N's diagnosis of COPD in 2010, the Trust adequately managed and treated her condition. We also found that when Mrs N went into hospital in winter 2011, staff gave her oxygen therapy and monitored her oxygen levels appropriately.

After Mrs N's cardiac arrest, doctors told Miss B that they could not give her mother any more treatment. Miss B was concerned that the doctors took this decision on the basis of medical records relating to other patients. However, given that Mrs N's prognosis was very poor, we found the decision not to give further treatment was appropriate.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Not applicable