GP practice did not support carer when she tried to manage her stress

Summary 445 |

Mrs T's husband has Asperger's syndrome, which can be very stressful for her. She complained that the practice did not help her deal with the stress.

What happened

Mrs T visited the practice on several occasions complaining of stress. When she did not receive the help she needed, she decided to fund therapy privately. She later contacted the practice to ask for funding for this therapy. She then approached the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for funding.

What we found

Over a period of eight months, the practice missed the opportunity to give Mrs T the support that she needed.

We did not uphold the complaint about the CCG.

Putting it right

The practice acknowledged its failings, apologised to Mrs T and paid her £250 compensation. It also agreed to draw up plans to address the failings we identified.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Greenwich CCG

A GP practice

Greenwich CCG

A GP practice


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Delayed replying to complaint

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right

Did not involve complainant adequately in the process



Compensation for non-financial loss