GP practice did not follow correct procedures when it removed patient from its list

Summary 529 |

Mr T complained that his GP Practice removed him from its list unfairly. He was also unhappy about how NHS England dealt with his complaint.

What happened

Mr T was removed from his GP Practice after a meeting at the Practice because of allegations of unacceptable behaviour. The Practice told the police about the behaviour, and contacted NHS England about the matter. Mr T denied the allegations.

Mr T's advocate contacted NHS England, which eventually told her and Mr T that the Practice felt that the relationship with Mr T had broken down.

What we found

We partly upheld this complaint. While there was some evidence of unreasonable behaviour on Mr T's part, the Practice failed to follow the correct procedure for removing him, which resulted in distress to Mr T.

NHS England failed to address this in its response to Mr T's complaint.

Mr T had to attend a non–standard medical centre that was further from his home than the GP Practice.

Putting it right

The Practice apologised to Mr T. The NHS England Area Team reviewed Mr T's suitability to return to a standard GP list.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A GP practice

West Yorkshire Area Team


West Yorkshire

Complainants' concerns ?

Delayed replying to complaint



Taking steps to put things right