Failure to take out tooth led to distress and affected future treatment

Summary 546 |

The Dental Practice did not take out Miss S's baby tooth although she was a teenager when it decided this. This distressed Miss S over four years. Privately–funded treatment to align her teeth may have taken longer because the baby tooth was still in place.

What happened

Miss S had four appointments at the Dental Practice from 2010 until 2013, because she had a baby tooth that had not fallen out and which was affecting the alignment of the adult tooth in the same position. Miss S did not receive appropriate treatment from the Dental Practice for the retained baby tooth. This caused her distress as the adult tooth was noticeable and looked unsightly. She eventually had privately–funded orthodontic treatment that she felt was more complicated than it would have been if the Practice had removed the baby tooth.

Miss S complained to the Practice but was not happy with the outcome and so she contacted us.

What we found

At the initial appointment the dentist carried out the appropriate examinations and correctly concluded that Miss S was not eligible for NHS funded orthodontic treatment. However he did not consider extracting the baby tooth.

At the subsequent appointments, when the adult tooth had begun to grow out of line, the dentist failed to consider the option of extracting the baby tooth.

This delay in treating Miss S led to a prolonged period of distress and also had some impact on her subsequent treatment.

Putting it right

The Dental Practice apologised to Miss S for its failings and explained how it would learn from the complaint to ensure it does not repeat these mistakes. The Practice paid Miss S £300 to recognise the distress she suffered and the impact on her subsequent treatment.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A dental practice


Milton Keynes

Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Compensation for non-financial loss

Taking steps to put things right