Mr W had a history of endocarditis and went to the hospital's A&E department twice in one month. When staff discharged him on the second occasion, they told him to go to his GP for follow–up tests. This did not happen and he later died.
What happened
Mr A complained to us that his partner Mr W had gone to hospital and had not been admitted. He said he went back around two weeks later and again was not admitted. Mr A said if Trust staff had admitted Mr W, he could have been treated and would not have died.
What we found
The first assessment in A&E was not as thorough as it should have been. There were no failings in the assessments and care Mr W received on the second occasion, and none in the decision to discharge him.
There were failings in the discharge plan on the second occasion because staff did not make adequate arrangements to make sure that repeat blood tests were carried out, and they did not arrange a follow–up cardiology appointment.
Mr W's death could not have been prevented, but the failings meant that Mr A would always be uncertain about this, and this would have a long–lasting and upsetting effect on him.
Putting it right
The Trust apologised to Mr A for the failings, and agreed to draw up an action plan to explain how it would prevent a recurrence. The Trust agreed to share this plan with the Care Quality Commission, which is responsible for the inspection and regulation of hospitals.
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
West Sussex
Delayed replying to complaint
Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right
Did not take sufficient steps to improve service