Failure to respond to a complaint

Summary 606 |

Mrs D's legal representatives complained about inaccurate remarks in a formal report, which questioned their professionalism.

What happened

Mrs D's legal representatives questioned the outcome of an Independent Review Panel (IRP) convened by the North of England Commissioning Region (part of NHS England). The IRP had been considering the eligibility of Mrs D's relative for NHS continuing healthcare.

The legal representatives complained about allegations in the IRP's report which questioned their professionalism. NHS England failed to respond to this.

What we found

The available evidence supported the legal representatives' version of events.

Putting it right

We asked NHS England to delete the offending remarks from the IRP's report. It agreed to do so.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

North of England Commissioning Region



Complainants' concerns ?

Delayed replying to complaint

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information


Not applicable