Trust failed to provide patient and his GP with clear discharge information

Summary 617 |

When Mr V was discharged following a head injury, the discharge information from the Trust did not make it clear who was responsible for setting up his follow up appointments and treatment.

What happened

Mr V was found collapsed in the street and admitted to hospital. He was bleeding from his ear and had a suspected convulsion. He had a brain injury and a fracture to one of the bones in his skull.

Following treatment, he was discharged with a 'handover of care' letter which set out how his follow up would be managed. His GP also received a copy of this letter, but it did not make clear which actions would be carried out by the Trust, and which by the GP.

As a result of this, confusion followed, and Mr V experienced a great deal of unnecessary anxiety and stress trying to get follow up care.

What we found

We found that while Mr V received good care as an inpatient, there were failings in the way the Trust managed his discharge care. The information in the 'handover of care' letter was confusing.

Putting it right

The Trust apologised and paid compensation of £550 to Mr V. It also agreed to put a plan in place to learn from the failings and make sure they did not happen again.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

North Bristol NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Compensation for non-financial loss