Patient experienced problems with a test to view her airways

Summary 656 |

Mrs F complained about distress she felt while undergoing a bronchoscopy procedure and the effect this has had on her afterwards.

What happened

Mrs F said that when she had a bronchoscopy procedure (a fibre optic device passed through the mouth or nose to view the large airways), attempts to anaesthetise her were unsuccessful. The procedure caused her considerable distress at the time and for months afterwards. She also complained about other parts of the procedure.

What we found

We partly upheld this complaint. The record keeping for this procedure was thorough and showed that on the balance of probability, Mrs F had not been effectively anaesthetised during the procedure.

Two other issues she raised were not recorded. On the balance of probability we decided that the Trust had provided a reasonable response to these issues.

Putting it right

The Trust offered an unreserved apology to Mrs F for the failure to anaesthetise her effectively and the effect that this had upon her.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust


Blackburn with Darwen

Complainants' concerns ?

Delayed replying to complaint

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right

