Failure to check CCTV meant man could never know if Trust lost his belongings

Summary 686 |

Mr K was taken to A&E after he was found unconscious. He believes he had property when he arrived in A&E and it was lost during his stay. The Trust said he did not have the property when he was at the Trust.

What happened

Mr K went to A&E after he was found unconscious in the street with a head injury. He was taken to the Trust in an ambulance. Mr K left the Trust the following morning without his jacket, glasses and mobile phone. Mr K believed he had these belongings while he was in A&E. The Trust said he arrived without a jacket and it had no record of his glasses or mobile phone, although one member of staff said she thought she remembered seeing him with a mobile phone.

What we found

We partly upheld this complaint. There were no failings in how the Trust managed Mr K's belongings. However, when Mr K complained to it about his missing property, it missed an opportunity to access CCTV footage to resolve this complaint one way or another, although Mr K had asked it to do this.

Putting it right

The Trust apologised to Mr K for the missed opportunity to give him answers, and reviewed its approach to complaint handling to make sure it accessed CCTV if this was available and would help deal with a complaint, in future.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Recommendation to change policy or procedure