Pharmacy gave mother wrong medicine for child

Summary 699 |

Mrs F was given the wrong medication for her young son. The medication was not suitable for children.

What happened

During a visit to hospital, Mrs F's son was prescribed medication for constipation. Mrs F visited the Pharmacy to pick up the prescription but staff gave her the wrong medication. Mrs F did not realise this error until she got home and read the accompanying leaflet. She consulted her local pharmacist, who told her that the medication the Pharmacy had given her was not suitable for children and could have had serious consequences for her son.

What we found

Following our investigation, the Pharmacy dispensed incorrect medication. This was a failing in the service the Pharmacy provided, and could have had serious consequences.

Putting it right

After Mrs F complained to the Pharmacy, it acknowledged that it had dispensed the wrong medication and as a result, reviewed its dispensing practices. However, it did not offer a personal remedy for Mrs F, who told us that the experience had been upsetting for her.

Following our investigations, the Pharmacy apologised to Mrs F and paid her £100 in recognition of the distress caused. Mrs F was pleased with the outcome we achieved for her.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Sainsbury's Pharmacy


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Came to an unsound decision



Compensation for financial loss