Poor communication by doctors meant that a young woman's parents did not realise that she was going to die

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Miss T's family complained that the care and treatment their daughter received for a brain tumour contributed to her death. They also said that poor communication by staff at the Trust added to their distress.

What happened

Miss T had an aggressive brain tumour. She had surgery at the Trust and doctors removed part of the tumour. Afterwards she suffered complications and clinicians carried out various procedures to try and resolve these. After several months of reasonable health, Miss T's condition worsened and she died after she went back into hospital. Her parents complained about the lack of communication from Miss T's consultant.

What we found

We partly upheld this complaint. The doctors at the Trust gave Miss T appropriate care and treatment but her tumour was relentless and incurable. Communication by the consultant and his colleagues was poor and this meant that Miss T's parents were distressed when they learnt that she was dying.

Putting it right

The Trust acknowledged and apologised for its failings in communication and for the distress this caused. It also prepared plans that demonstrated how the consultant had learnt from the complaint, and shared this with Miss T's family. The Trust also paid Miss T's parents £500 compensation.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Barts Health NHS Trust


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information



Compensation for financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan