Trust could have offered better support after eye surgery

Summary 729 |

Miss V had cataract surgery. She complained about later eye problems that she felt were caused by the surgery.

What happened

Miss V had cataract surgery on one eye. She went on to develop problems with her eyes that she believed were a result of the surgery or the aftercare.

When Miss V went back to the Trust, it initially advised her to be patient. It then told her to see her GP. Miss V has since developed cosmetic problems with bags under her eyes. She felt that better care would have avoided this.

What we found

We did not find that the difficulties Miss V experienced were linked to any failings in her cataract surgery, or aftercare. However, the information the Trust gave her before surgery could have been more explicit about the possible side effects, and the Trust should have given Miss V better aftercare rather than directing her to her GP.

There was a missed opportunity to give Miss V more information before her surgery. However, when we looked at the information the Trust gave her, we decided that Miss V would have had the procedure if she had had more information.

Miss V lost the opportunity to feel more supported when she tried to approach the Trust for advice.

Putting it right

The Trust agreed to update its preoperative cataract information to ensure it presents all common side effects of cataract surgery, and amend its postoperative advice for patients. We also said it should improve record keeping when patients report problems.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right


Recommendation to change policy or procedure