Trust did not tell woman about all her treatment options

Summary 731 |

Ms H had fibroids and a growth on an ovary. The Trust did not provide all the necessary investigations and information, which meant that an early opportunity for treatment was lost.

What happened

When Ms H had a scan at the Trust, it showed a fibroid, a non–cancerous tumour that grows in or around the womb, and a growth on an ovary. Clinical staff discussed possible treatments with Ms H but did not perform any more tests or offer non–surgical treatment. Ms H did not want surgery. The Trust did not discuss her plans for having children with her.

After Ms H moved to a different area, another trust diagnosed different causes for Ms H's symptoms and she had treatment.

What we found

The Trust should have arranged another scan and follow–up for Ms H's ovarian problem. With regard to her fibroids, it should have discussed her plans for having children as well as offering other treatment options. The Trust should have written to her more quickly after her consultation. These failings meant that there was a lost chance to address Ms H's symptoms at the earliest opportunity. This led to her suffering health problems longer than necessary.

Putting it right

The Trust apologised for the impact these failings had had on Ms H and paid her £350 compensation in recognition of the injustice she experienced as a result.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right



Compensation for financial loss