Information Commissioner's Office got things wrong but corrected its error

Summary 810 |

Mr D complained to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) about an information request he made to a company for the recording of a telephone call. Mr D wanted a copy of the recording but was having difficulties in getting it from the company.

What happened

Mr D complained to ICO about a company that would not give him a recording of a telephone call. It was unclear at first who held the data, because the company was trading under a different name. When it was established who held the data, ICO made an assessment that it was unlikely the company had followed data protection law. Mr D and the company gave ICO more information and it opened a new assessment. The outcome of the assessment was that it was likely the company had followed data protection law. Mr D asked for a review of the decision and ICO said the assessment was incorrect because it had not looked at all of the information. ICO said its assessment was that it was unlikely the company had followed data protection law. ICO asked the company to respond to the information request.

What we found

We did not uphold this complaint. The second assessment was flawed because ICO had not considered all of the information. However, ICO put things right by reviewing the decision and correcting its error. We found ICO had met its obligations under the data protection law and it did not have to take any other action than complete the assessment.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Information Commissioner's Office



Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Not applicable