Patient did not get complete information on dental treatment options or a response to his complaint

Summary 822 |

When Mr C's dental bridge fractured, the dentist repaired it but did not tell him the repair might not last, or the likely cost of replacing it at a future date. The Practice also failed to respond to Mr C's subsequent complaint in line with NHS regulations.

What happened

When Mr C was having a crown fitted, he told the dentist that he also had a fractured bridge. The dentist repaired the bridge but it needed replacing within 12 months and Mr C incurred a further £209 charge for this. Mr C complained to the Practice but did not receive a written response to his complaint.

What we found

We partly upheld this complaint. Mr C should have been informed that the bridge repair might not last and given the option of a replacement as an alternative to a repair. When Mr C complained about the additional cost he incurred when his bridge was replaced, the Practice did not provide a written response explaining how the complaint had been considered and conclusions reached, as it should have done in accordance with NHS regulations.

Putting it right

Following our investigation, the Practice apologised to Mr C and reimbursed the charge for his replacement bridge. It also paid him compensation of £500 for the upset and frustration caused by its failure to respond to his complaint properly. The Practice drew up plans to improve its service.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A dental practice



Complainants' concerns ?

Delayed replying to complaint



Compensation for financial loss

Compensation for non-financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan