Concerns around the support provided to a new mother after birth

Summary 844 |

Mrs B was distressed that the Trust failed to provide breast feeding support shortly after her baby's birth, and there were errors in her medical records.

What happened

Mrs B complained that the Trust failed to provide her with appropriate care and treatment during her admission to the maternity unit. In particular, she said she was not offered help to feed her baby that she believed caused his jaundice. She was also unhappy with the lack of skin–to–skin (mother and baby's skins touching) contact. She says staff insisted on feeding her baby with a small cup despite her requests to use a bottle. Staff later apologised for not explaining the reasons for this to her. Mrs B also complained that there were errors in her medical records which stated she had postnatal depression.

This affected what should have been a positive experience at the Trust, and Mrs B was worried about the lasting effect this may have on her baby. She said the Trust had not taken any steps to remedy the situation, and she would like financial compensation, an apology, and for the Trust to acknowledge its failings.

What we found

We partly upheld this complaint. The Trust had not taken steps to amend the inaccurate information it found in Mrs B's medical records. However, the Trust's response and apology in respect of Mrs B's care and treatment during her admission was enough to remedy the injustice caused.

Putting it right

The Trust added an amendment to the medical records, clearly stating that the entry in respect of her having postnatal depression was inaccurate. It also apologised for failing to do this earlier.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust


Greater London

Complainants' concerns ?

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information



Taking steps to put things right