GP correct to visit patient about her mental health

Summary 856 |

Mrs A complained that her GP visited her without consent. She said that the GP told her she was making the visit to consult her about her symptoms of thrush, but had actually visited to make a mental health assessment.

What happened

Mrs A, who had a history of bi–polar illness, went to her GP Practice because of symptoms of thrush. Her GP was unable to see her immediately but agreed to visit her at home later the same day. Earlier that day, Mrs A's son and a friend had both raised concerns with the Practice about Mrs A's mental health. The GP visited Mrs A at home and felt that Mrs A was showing signs of a recurrence of previous mental health problems. Mrs A had been on medication for this but had stopped because she felt she did not need it.

Mrs A felt that instead of the visit being for the purpose of treating her thrush, the real purpose was to carry out a mental health assessment, and this was without her consent.

The GP said that she was justified in asking Mrs A about her mental health because Mrs A's son and a friend had expressed concerns about Mrs A's behaviour and mental health. Also, Mrs A had a past history of bi–polar illness.

What we found

We did not uphold this complaint. The GP visited Mrs A with her consent and in her best interests. Mrs A's son and a friend had drawn the GP's attention to behaviour which was symptomatic of manic behaviour typical in bi–polar illness, and it was therefore appropriate for her to take these concerns into account when seeing Mrs A. She obtained Mrs A's consent for a home visit, during which Mrs A displayed symptoms that were consistent with a recurrence of her bi–polar illness.

According to the General Medical Council guidance, information from a patient's partner, carers or others may be used to help doctors decide how to care for their patient. There were no failings on the part of the GP who in our view gave Mrs A appropriate care in accordance with national guidance.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A GP practice


West Yorkshire

Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right

Did not take sufficient steps to improve service


Not applicable