Pharmacy prescribed incorrect medication to patient

Summary 861 |

Ms B complained that she was given another patient's medication when she collected her prescription from the Pharmacy. She took the medication for two weeks and fell ill.

What happened

Ms B's GP prescribed her a particular medication to treat her sore leg. When she went to the Pharmacy to pick it up, staff gave her another patient's antidepressant medication.

Not knowing she had been given the wrong medication she started the course and became ill with dizzy spells for two weeks. She saw her GP who realised that she had been given the wrong medication.

Ms B complained to the Pharmacy but it had already acknowledged that mistakes had been made. It had already apologised to Ms B and gave assurances that service improvements had been made to make sure that a similar incident did not occur in future. However, it was not willing to comply with Ms B's request for £250 compensation.

What we found

We partly upheld this complaint. The Pharmacy had already acknowledged its failings and we were satisfied with the Pharmacy's apologies and service improvements. However we agreed with Ms B that it should pay her compensation in recognition of the effect the medication had on her.

Putting it right

The Pharmacy paid Ms B £250 compensation.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Tesco Pharmacy



Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Compensation for non-financial loss