GP Practice took appropriate action when following its zero tolerance policy

Summary 873 |

Mr C complained that he was unfairly removed from his GP's patient list.

What happened

Mr C went to his GP Practice and was upset to find that the GP he was meant to see was on sick leave. He refused to see a different GP and demanded to speak to the manager. The manager and a colleague had a long meeting to discuss Mr C's concerns. They claim that during the meeting, Mr C became verbally abusive and they ended the meeting. Mr C then raised his hand in the manager's face, which led to staff calling the police. Mr C was later removed from the Practice's patient list and registered with a different practice under the local NHS zero tolerance scheme.

What we found

We did not uphold the complaint. The Practice followed its own policy and acted in line with the relevant regulations.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A GP practice


West Midlands

Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable


Not applicable