Practice GP adequately assessed patient's condition but did not make sure she could get to a hospital

Summary 906 |

Mrs P complained that the Practice failed to recognise the severity of her condition and did not assess her properly during a consultation. Mrs P felt her life was put at risk as a result because she was not transferred to hospital as an emergency patient.

What happened

Mrs P had had several operations because of a medical condition. After her last operation, she went to the dressings clinic at the Practice for wound assessment. Mrs P was bleeding heavily so the Practice nurse asked a GP to assess her.

After the assessment, the GP suggested that Mrs P went back to hospital to have the wound looked at. Mrs P left the Practice and made her own way to a hospital.

When she arrived at hospital, Mrs P had surgery the same day to treat a liquefied haematoma (a blood–filled swelling). She believed the surgery was lifesaving and so felt the Practice had failed in its duty of care to her.

What we found

The GP at the Practice failed to adequately assess Mrs P's condition and failed to arrange her safe transfer to hospital. Although this final element did not endanger Mrs P, it meant she suffered unnecessary distress.

Putting it right

The Practice and the GP accepted our findings and apologised to Mrs P. The Practice paid her £250 compensation and drew up an action plan to prevent a recurrence.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A GP practice


West Sussex

Complainants' concerns ?

Not applicable



Compensation for non-financial loss

Recommendation to learn lessons or draw up an action plan