Baby born in ambulance, although midwife had earlier dealt with labour appropriately

Summary 921 |

Mrs M believed that a midwife did not manage her labour appropriately when she was examined in hospital and sent home. Later that day, she called an ambulance and, on the way to hospital, had her baby in the back of the ambulance.

What happened

Mrs M complained that when she went to the hospital in labour, the midwife did not examine her properly and sent her home without further advice. She raised concerns about the midwife's communication with her and said that she had to be taken back to hospital later that day by ambulance, and that her baby was born in the ambulance.

What we found

We did not uphold this complaint. The midwife acted appropriately in managing Mrs M when she attended the maternity unit. A proper examination was carried out and Mrs M was not in established labour. The midwife's care and treatment of Mrs M was appropriate and in line with established guidelines.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust


Tyne and Wear

Complainants' concerns ?

Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information


Not applicable