HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) repeatedly failed to clarify Mr B's current tax affairs. This led to confusion, worry and uncertainty.
What happened
Mr B disputed the repayment figures HMRC provided as these did not add up. Mr B had been asking for clarification for a long time. However, HMRC did not provide the full picture and the figures, and the way they were presented, were very confusing.
What we found
HMRC's explanations and figures were unclear, confusing, incomplete and, in our view, not fit for purpose. The figures HMRC gave Mr B did not add up and a further, accurate and easy to understand explanation was necessary.
Putting it right
HMRC sent Mr B a table that showed the history of his tax affairs. It also paid Mr B a consolatory payment of £125 for worry and distress and poor complaint handling. We were satisfied that the table was easy to understand and accurate. Mr B was happy with our recommendations.
HM Revenue & Customs
Delayed replying to complaint
Replied with inaccurate or incomplete information
Compensation for non-financial loss